G SongLab - Learn. Create. Share.

Music brings us together, even when we can't physically be together. G SongLab hopes to serve as a support system, a place where young people can connect, learn, create and share their musical ideas with each other, wherever they may be located.

You can make music. Anywhere. Anytime.

G SongLab is a safe online community dedicated to helping young people develop their skills in songwriting and music creation. Genelec, working with the Tiuku Public Information Cultural Factory, the City of Helsinki, University of the Arts Helsinki and ArtsEqual, have teamed up with experienced songwriters and music educators led by Petter Korkman and Anna Kuoppamäki, to encourage and support young people making music – whatever their prior experience.

G SongLab allows young people aged between 13 and 28 to participate from the comfort of their own homes and share their songs with others, creating a sense of companionship even for those staying at home to help protect their community from the coronavirus. Also, we at Genelec will be teaching how young people can listen to sounds in a way that will help them get the most from their songs and recordings.

We will be delivering lots of tutorials over the coming months to help you express yourself musically, and through our upcoming Songwriting Challenge we’ll also be offering some fantastic home recording prizes.

G SongLab will be bringing you a series of interactive online webinars (in English) where you’ll get a chance to write songs and learn new things about music and production. At each session there will be plenty of opportunities to ask questions, so don’t be shy!

All you’ll need to join in is a computer, tablet or smartphone with a recording app (a digital audio workstation) already installed. We’ll be using Pro Tools and Reaper (www.reaper.fm) but feel free to use your own app. If your setup includes an audio interface and a microphone that’s great, but not essential. Bring an instrument if you play one, and don’t forget a pen and paper for writing down lyrics.

Over the next few months we’ll be sharing some songs via our G SongLab playlist, so we’d recommend that you open a Soundcloud account (it’s free) before the first webinar, if you don’t yet have one. Simply head to www.soundcloud.com.

If you’re under 18, then please ask for your parents’ permission before joining in.

Upcoming Events

Upcoming events will be announced soon, please follow G SongLab's homepage and social media channels for news. here.

Any questions? If so, just contact us here and we’ll be happy to help.

Register to the next online event.

We’ll let you know about future events.

February 12th - 13th 2021