Inter BEE 2024
13. - 15.11.2024

All attendees will have the opportunity to audition the seamless listening experience of UNIO PRM – which effectively bridges in-room and personal headphone monitoring – enabling audio professionals to quickly create mixes that translate with maximal consistency. Consisting of the Genelec 9320A SAM Reference Controller and individually factory-calibrated 8550A Professional Reference Headphones, the PRM system creates a truly pioneering active monitoring headphone solution.
The Genelec booth offers an immersive and stereo system featuring 8331A ‘The Ones’ Smart Active Monitors, which you can use to switch freely between UNIO PRM headphone monitoring and the in-room setup. Additionally, our 9401A system management device supporting Audio over IP will be present.
Finally, our entire family of Smart IP PoE loudspeakers – which has just won Japan’s Good Design Award – will be on display, and our experts will be delighted to show you how easy they are to install and use, including with third-party control technology.
For event details, please visit: