UNIO Audio Monitoring Ecosystem
Bridging in-room and personal headphone monitoring
Genelec's UNIO Ecosystem gives audio engineers the ability to seamlessly navigate different monitoring options, for the flexibility to work anywhere, anytime – from stereo to immersive.
Now, with UNIO Personal Reference Monitoring (PRM), audio professionals benefit from the pinpoint accuracy of our pioneering active monitoring headphone solution.

The freedom to engineer audio anywhere
Bringing the precise resolution and adaptive power of our Smart Active Monitoring (SAM), GLM and Aural ID Technology to the engineer's fingertips, UNIO allows the rapid creation of mixes that translate with maximal consistency.
Imagine leaving the studio, putting on headphones and tapping into a listening experience that’s tightly matched to your trusted in-room SAM Monitors. The 9320A SAM™ Reference Controller – especially within our UNIO PRM solution – is uniquely positioned to offer you this ability, with the precision required to mix with confidence every time.

UNIO Personal Reference Monitoring
UNIO PRM provides powerful reference-quality audio monitoring via our 8550A Professional Reference Headphones, each of which we calibrate individually at our factory in Iisalmi, Finland – carefully matching them to the 9320A SAM™ Reference Controller, for total accuracy.
This uniquely matched system represents a pioneering new active monitoring headphone solution with exceptional sonic reliability, taking the UNIO Ecosystem’s seamless bridging of in-room and personal headphone monitoring to a whole new level.
UNIO Audio Monitoring Ecosystem

Accuracy across monitoring options
Create a seamless bridge between loudspeaker and headphone monitoring, with personal calibration tools to ensure maximal precision.
Increased freedom for creativity
Truthful playback over both fixed and mobile monitoring allows for work with elevated quality in and beyond the studio.
Exceptional connectivity
Natively supports computer audio over USB, and analogue and AES/EBU audio. Use of 9401A adds full support for Audio-over-IP (ST2110, AES67 and Ravenna).
Coming soon:
Tip videos about finding your personal sonic reference with UNIO PRM.
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Aural ID – Binaural virtual monitoring for PRM
Our uniquely tailor-made and accurate Aural ID Technology utilises your highly detailed personal HRTF to render virtual monitors. This enables the precise externalisation of audio over professional headphones – offering true-to-life headphone access to the experience of in-room monitoring, from stereo to immersive.
“For those seeking the ultimate combination of in-room and personal headphone monitoring, UNIO Personal Reference Monitoring and Aural ID represent the most accurate and portable monitoring system ever produced.”
Siamäk Naghian,
Managing Director

Meet the new expanded UNIO Ecosystem – Global online launch
UNIO Ecosystem Solutions

Click the links below and explore UNIO hardware elements.
- SAM Monitoring
- 9320A SAM™ Reference Controller
- Personal Reference Monitoring
- GLM calibration and interface devices
Find your dealer ›

Software & Services
Click the links below and explore UNIO service elements.
- Genelec Loudspeaker Manager (GLM) calibration software
- Aural ID binaural virtual monitoring
- GRADE (Genelec Room Acoustic Data Evaluation)
Download via MyGenelec ›
Example setups
9320A ‘Out of the Box’ – Dual Stereo Basic
- No access to Group Presets.
- No binaural.
- With or without Mac or PC.
- Groups 1-4 inactive.
- Audio can be fed from the computer USB port, or using an analogue/digital input. The Input button is used to select the input.
- Audio can be routed to any desired output: Headphone, Analogue or Digital.
- Volume can be controlled with the dial.
- Mono, Diff, Invert, Mute, Dim, Preset buttons work.
- GLM software required for advanced use e.g. to match output levels, control and calibrate SAM system.
9320A with GLM – Dual Stereo GLM
- GLM calibration and presets.
- No binaural.
- Groups 1-4 available.
- Digital out associated with GLM.
- Click 'Digi' to use same preset.
- Click Groups 1-4 to change group.
- Audio can be fed from the computer USB port, or using an analogue/digital input. The GLM group preset is used to select an input and later the Input buttons can be used to change the input.
- Audio can be routed to any desired output: Headphone, Analogue, Digital or none. The GLM group preset is used to define output when a group is activated.
- SAM Monitors can be calibrated with the 9320A and GLM software.
- Volume can be controlled with the dial.
- Mono, Diff, Invert, Mute, Dim, Preset and group buttons work.
9320A with GLM – Dual Stereo / Headphone Immersive
- GLM calibration and presets.
- Aural ID stereo.
- Aural ID immersive.
- Groups 1-4 available.
- Digital out associated with GLM.
- Click 'Digi' to use same preset.
- Click Groups 1-4 to change group.
- USB stereo or binaural, based on 9320A output selection.
- Aural ID plugin goes into L/R bypass, controlled via USB, when binaural audio not used.
- When using GLM and Aural ID processing, GLM will bypass processing if in-room monitoring is activated.
9320A Dual Stereo In-Room Immersive / Headphone Immersive Plug-in
- GLM calibration and presets.
- Aural ID stereo (plug-in).
- Aural ID immersive (plug-in).
- In-room immersive.
- Group 1-4 selects large in-room system.
- Digital out not associated with GLM.
- USB stereo or binaural, based on 9320A output selection.
9320A Stand-Alone Aural ID + Immersive SAM Monitors
- GLM calibration and presets.
- Aural ID stereo.
- Aural ID immersive.
- Groups 1-4 available.
- Digital out associated with GLM.
- Click 'Digi' to use same preset.
- Click Group 1-4 to change Group.
- Aural ID plug-in/App pass L/R, controlled via USB, when binaural audio is not used.
9320A Dual Stereo In-Room Immersive / Headphone Immersive App
- GLM calibration and presets.
- Aural ID stereo (App).
- Aural ID immersive (App).
- Group 1-4 selects large in-room system.
- Digital out not associated with GLM.
- USB stereo or binaural, based on 9320A output selection.